Despite being tasty bananas have many benefits over our health. They are rich with potassium and many other nutrients. But there is an interesting fact about this fruits about which not many people have heard. The fact is that at different stages of maturity bananas have different effects on the digestive system and the overall health of our bodies.


In Japan was conducted a study about this and this is what they concluded:

This Is What Happens If You Eat Ripe Bananas

Fully ripe banana produces the substance known as TNF or Tumor Necrosis Factor, which is good for the fight against abnormal cells.

They also revealed that as the bananas get riper the cells that develop immunity are enriched. The main sign that the bananas are ripe are the dark dots over the peel, so we can say the more dots there are the better.

The sugar of the bananas in this stage is more easily absorbed, while when they are less ripe they are difficult to digest since the starch has not yet been converted to sugar.

Also the anticancer effect of the bananas depends of the banana`s maturity, the more mature they are the bigger the effect is.

The researcher compared bananas with some other fruits like pears, pineapples, watermelon, grapes and concluded that bananas contain most anticancer agents.

So next time you buy bananas consider the maturity!

Despite being tasty bananas have many benefits over our health. They are rich with potassium and many other nutrients. But there is an interesting fact about this fruits about which not many people have heard. The fact is that at different stages of maturity bananas have different effects on...