The progress of the dental caries can be slowed down by a conventional dental procedures. Sure, alternative treatments can help appease the unpleasant symptoms, but conventional treatment, of course, is necessary to stop caries or to prevent the spread of infection.toothache (1)HHH Alternative treatments can help to stop toothache


It is necessary to go to the dentist because the pain that can be associated with dental caries, but alternative treatments can in the meantime to quell the pain.

To reduce pain in the tooth, strongly press the point between the index finger and thumb. Massaging the area with an ice cube can also help. However, pregnant women should not push on this point.

Healing herbs

Rub the palate despite ailing tooth with oil of cloves (Syzigium aromaticum) and myrrh (Commiphora molmol). It helps you lose the pain in the palate.

To reduce the pain, you can use the following simple remedies at home.

Rinse with salt water.

If rinsing does not act, the dental floss gently pull the pieces foods that are kept between the teeth.

Sucking ice a minute can cause a loss of the sense of place of the ailing tooth.

Warm compresses

It can settle down if toothache pain is caused by an infection, but on the other hand greater heat can cause the spread of pain.

The progress of the dental caries can be slowed down by a conventional dental procedures. Sure, alternative treatments can help appease the unpleasant symptoms, but conventional treatment, of course, is necessary to stop caries or to prevent the spread of infection.toothache (1)HHH Alternative treatments can help to stop toothache It...